To better accomplish and define how we will measure these objectives, we are delighted to welcome our new Equipment, Materials, and Power Working Group Chairs:

Alexander Rakow
Schneider Electric
Equipment Working Group Chair
Alex Rakow is the Sustainability Lead for the Cloud & Service Provider segment, where he works with data center operators to advance their sustainability and energy performance.
Alex is excited to contribute to the development of the iMasons Climate Accord, and to help it reach its terrific potential. Connect with Alex.
Lisa Hedstrom
Materials Working Group Chair
Lisa Hedstrom is a licensed Architect and Engineer with 15 years working as a Project Architect in the AEC industry, with a focus on mission critical and mega-scale projects.
For Lisa, the value of the iMason’s Climate Accord is to collectively and internally drive our industry to decarbonize. Connect with Lisa.

Michael Donohue
Talen Energy
Power Working Group Chair
Michael Donohue is the Managing Director for Sustainability & Business Development, where he uses his experience with the grid and utility of data centers.
Michael is eager to lend his expertise to the iMasons Climate Accord and help move the needle. Connect with Michael.