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Equipment WG

Equipment WG

iMason Climate Accord & OCP: Carbon Disclosure Project Update

Scope 3 emissions make up the vast majority of the carbon footprint of most data center operators, many of which are upstream and take the form of embodied carbon in
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CIBSE TM65 Material Disclosure Method

This case study is an overview of the CIBSE TM65 Embodied Carbon Calculation Methodology for the digital infrastructure industry, highlighting the background, step-by-step guidance on how to use the methodology
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Environmental Product Declarations & Lifecycle Assessment

This case study provides an overview of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for equipment, including the benefits and limitations from the perspective of the iMason's Climate
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Introduction to Case Studies in Sustainable Infrastructure

Digital infrastructure has experienced unprecedented growth, becoming the backbone of today’s interconnected world. As attention shifts beyond efficiency and towards more holistic sustainable practices, understanding the carbon impact of power,
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Working Group Chairs Appointed

To better accomplish and define how we will measure these objectives, we are delighted to welcome our new Equipment, Materials, and Power Working Group Chairs:   Alexander Rakow Schneider Electric
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