
Our goal is to enable transparency of embodied carbon impacts and build market-based incentives to choose zero‑carbon materials.

The Materials Working Group (MWG) is focused on the decarbonization of data center building materials as well as specific component materials within MEP equipment and systems.

We work towards our goals by:

  • Identifying best practices for data center life cycle assessments (LCAs) and alignment with corporate GHG Scope 3 accounting
  • Benchmarking embodied carbon impacts of data center construction
  • Identifying and communicating industry-specific product categories to focus on for improved embodied carbon impact transparency and reduction
  • Supporting both a Materials-specific and broader iMasons Climate Accord Maturity Model



Katie Bachman


Morgan German

Principal Program Manager – Sustainability
Lisa Hedstrom

Lisa Hedstrom

Building Systems


Jason Adams

Amanda Atkinson

Fabiola Bordino

Patrick Crabbe

David Davies

Dejana Harris*

Haydee Hernandez

Annie Kemp

Colleen Large*

Debra Smith

Katie Stanford

Eddy Taylor

Mandi Wesley

Ellen Yang


The Climate Accord Maturity Model – A Guide to Emissions Reduction in Digital Infrastructure

This inaugural iCA Maturity Model is a roadmap for decarbonizing the digital infrastructure industry. The focus is on global carbon accounting for each unique data center location over its lifetime, aiming to net zero carbon emissions for our industry.
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Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Approach

The case study deep dives into one organization’s Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (wbLCA) approach, describing the methodology followed, materials included in the analysis, and how asset-level Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data feeds into portfolio carbon impact evaluations and corporate greenhouse gas inventory calculations.
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Introduction to Case Studies in Sustainable Infrastructure

Digital infrastructure has experienced unprecedented growth, becoming the backbone of today’s interconnected world. As attention shifts beyond efficiency and towards more holistic sustainable practices, understanding the carbon impact of power,
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*Brightworks is a Climate Accord contracted and trusted partner, providing technical and oversight services for our work.