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iMason Climate Accord & OCP: Carbon Disclosure Project Update

Scope 3 emissions make up the vast majority of the carbon footprint of most data center operators, many of which are upstream and take the form of embodied carbon in the materials and equipment of a data center. In order to meet impending net-zero and carbon neutrality goals, the data center industry needs to engage our vast supply chain to measure, report on, and draw down the embodied carbon of data center inputs.

In January 2024, a new alliance was announced between the Infrastructure Masons (iM) and The Open Compute Project (OCP) to address carbon transparency in data centers. This joint effort is a significant step toward a more sustainable future in digital infrastructure. By combining iM’s industry reach and community-driven approach with OCP’s commitment to open innovation and ability to drive community-led standardizations, we’ve created a dedicated workstream on Carbon Disclosure and Label Standardization for Data Centers.

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